Facts & Views...
Below are our articles on the subject of Facts & Views. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Butchering Your Own Cuts of Meat
Learning basic butchery seems daunting, but it’s a skill our grandmothers took for granted and good old-fashioned common sense will help you develop this valuable…...

Common Misconceptions About Meat
Discussing some nyths about meat, like the necessity to seal meat, is organic meat more expensive and red meat is higher in fat than white meat or poultry...

How Cheap Meat is Reared
Information on how cheap meat is reared, with some information on the practices of intensively reared meat, slaughter and infection control...

How Good Quality Meat is Reared
Information about how good quality meat is reared, with the key differences in cost to the farmers, quality of life for the animals and profits to the supermarkets...

Questionnaire: What Do You Know About Meat?
Eating meat is a part of life for much of the population, this questionnaire explores how, when, why and what meats are eaten....

The Farmer's View on Meat Eating
Understanding the changing meat industry from the perspective of the farmer, including recent issues they have faced like BSE and foot and mouth and the rise in power…...

Views of the Vegetarians
Some key reasons why people chose to live a vegetarian lifestyle...

What do Different Animals Eat?
is cost the deciding factor in what meat we buy? what do well looked after animals eat compared to what battery farmed animals eat?...

What Meat Labelling Means
Meat labelling is confusing and unclear and there are several campaigns attempting to make it clearer and easier to understand. Here we delve into what the labels…...

Why is Organic Meat More Expensive?
Information on the reasons why organic meat is more expensve, where to buy it and the details behind the increase in organic produce popularity...