Moral Issues...
Below are our articles on the subject of Moral Issues. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Animal Rights
A discussion on animal rights, including philosphical elements, practial and legal information and an illustration of the key issues...

Feasts in Different Countries and Cultures
Information on different religious and cultural festivals with the feasts that are associated with them - christmas, passover and thanksgiving - ingredients, tradtions...

Free Range Versus Organic Poultry
There are many ways of labelling poultry and this article demystifies some of the terms you may see in relation to chicken and other poultry....

Fur in Fashion
A discussion on why fur is fashionable, what role fur plays in traditional clothing and where the fashion is moving towards in terms of ethical clothing...

Halal and Kosher Meats
Information about the practices that are behind the production of halal and kosher meats...

Humane Slaughter Methods
An illustration of acceptable and unnaceptable methods of animal slaughter for poultry and cattle including guidlines from world farming organisations...

Is Foie Gras Cruel?
Some facts about the production of foie gras and the possible ethical alternative...

Live Livestock Exports
The truth behind the live export industry with information on what consumers can do to help...

Meat and Morals
A discussion on the moral issues behind eating meat, including gaining an understanding of the production methods behind meat products...

Meat and Religious Traditions
information of the meat and food based traditions of different religions...

Modern Slaughter Methods - The Truth
A look at the practices used in the controversial animal slaughter industry, with information on both religious and non-religious slaughter and the official view from…...

Raising Your Own Livestock
Livestock raising is not for the soft-hearted, but can be a rewarding experience, especially if you worry about the conditions in which meat animals are raised....

Why is British Veal a More Ethical Choice?
Discussing the rising popularity of high welfare, ethically produced British veal...